Volume 59, No. 4 July/August, 2006

Published Bi-monthly by Branch No. 30 N.A.L.C., Kansas City, Missouri

Celebrate Your Union

On Labor Day




By Dave Gwin

sick leave and incidental annual that it may take more time to heal this city than some people think. I have to admit I was very proud of the imaginations of many Carriers that were dealing with gross examples of abuse. I have always stressed to work like you are treated; hats off to those who used their head instead of their mouths to get done what ever they needed to do. There was just too many stations that have Carriers whose only day off for the last six months was a Sunday or a Holiday. Our "acting" Postmaster's first visit to Parkway was greeted by a Carrier that hadn't had a day off in 13 months. I wonder what that individual thinks of EXFC scores? Time will tell.

The "Window of Operations" and DOIS issues were also addressed as ongoing concerns of ours. A thorough discussion of how each are being abused at the various stations was debated in detail. The district manager was a Letter Carrier for his first 8 years with the Post Office and he has a thorough understanding of the craft and the problems we are faced with today. He acknowledged that some of management may be abusing this "tool" and emphasized that Carriers need to EDUCATE themselves as much as possible on DOIS so they can address problems accordingly...don't just say the figures are wrong... show them why they are wrong and know what you're talking about. Report any abusive language or gestures directly to this office...I don't mind holding them accountable to their promise. The window of operations arbitration for the Kansas City area is set for mid July and that should answer a lot of questions, but be cautioned. The USPS doesn't mind violating the contract daily and paying grievances just as quickly. Once these cases are heard, I'm not sure anything is going to change; I just know they are going to pay for the abuses in a more timely fashion. With all of these new casuals and PTF's the number of mandatory overtime grievances should drop significantly. Management still needs to be held accountable for any "window of operations" issues and please remind all stewards to file grievances daily. Again, call the hall if this is not happening at your station or your steward needs any assistance.

I tried really hard not to mention Postal Reform, COLCPE, or E-Activist because just about every article in previous Viewpoints and the Postal Record covered those issues. It was an article in another paper called the "Labor Beacon" that forced me to change my mind. Their front page was covered with the announcement about the Laborers pulling out of the AFL-CIO. They left the federation because

(continued on page 4)

Finally, some relief... a new District Manager, a new "Acting" Postmaster, 10 casuals were hired and 18 PTF's are to be added by the end of July. A lot of Carriers wanted to know why I was all smiles at the last Union meeting...it's because I've finally got

something to smile about! The new bosses are saying and doing all the things that I've been whining about for the last year or so. Specifically, treat Carriers like human beings and maybe we'll care about your precious numbers. There is a lot of speculation that the "magic" numbers and those EXPC scores are what forced the retirements of Mr. Omar Rogers and Mr. John Coolidge. It really doesn't matter to me who sits where or why, management is still management. All that matters to me is how the Carriers are being treated. After meeting with their respective replacements, dignity and respect was the common theme and emphasis on working together to "fix" this city was in both of their objectives. We've heard false promises and received "lip" service for years but I could tell these guys mean business. Immediate action was taken to identify problems within the plant. The overall objective is to get the mail delivered to the stations in a more timely fashion, Additional full-time supervision was hired to oversee day-to-day activities within this plant and these individuals will be reporting any problems directly to the District Manager. That should be interesting. One of the main areas of concentration is the quality of DPS. It's about time someone else cares about how much miss-directed mail is in our DPS. Again, these actions have a lot to do with the scores referenced above. I can't help but think that is why "acting" is in front of each of their titles, If scores don't improve, they too will be replaced.

The Carrier craft new hires will go to the stations that need them the most. Parkway and Hickman Mills got the bulk of the casuals and the remaining PTF's will be utilized to cover summer vacations and cut down the overtime in the inner city and surrounding stations. Even more PTF's will be hired by the end of the year to restock the stations that are still short. Getting long awaited help will hopefully ease some of the tension all over the city. There were so many Carriers denied the use of earned

page 2

Vice President's


By Dave Teegarden

When Carriers across the city see me it seems they all ask the same questions; Where is the window of operation grievance? And When are we going to get some help? Unfortunately

Hopefully, win or lose the window of operations grievance, someone in management will wake up and realize that they are destroying the very fabric of this organization, the Letter Carrier, the most visible sign to millions of people every day. The Letter Carriers across this country have done more to promote and protect the Postal Service than any other group of employees and management needs to recognize this.

We recently concluded the State Convention which was held here in Kansas City. Thanks go out to all the volunteers and those who made donations. I would like to extend a special thanks to Melvin Moore, Terry Myers and the ladies auxiliary. The topic of conversation by National Vice President Gary Mullins was the window of operations and the white pages National has produced on the issue. Vice President Mullins stated that he expected this years National Convention to be lively considering this was a contract year. The state Association also made a number of changes as to how the districts within the state are run and set up. The great Ernest Graham was appointed to the State Executive Board as the representative from Kansas City. Congratulations!

these two issues go hand in hand. Management's belief is that they have enough help when it comes to Carriers because they can mandate you to work to meet a so called window. Obviously the union has taken exception to this position as being a violation of our rights in the National Agreement. This grievance is now awaiting an arbitration date.

Behind the parties positions are the Carriers that are forced to deal with ever increasing demands. Maintain proper attendance, carry mandated overtime, work non-scheduled days off, and lose holidays just to name a few. There were several stewards and local officers that had input on these grievances on the window violations. Regardless of the outcome, all of these people have done an outstanding job trying to protect your rights. There are senior Carriers in several stations that have not had a day off in months or years. Personally I believe they have a right to be upset. Even the most fervent overtime hound needs an occasional day off to see a doctor, a dentist or to do some personal business. What management really should be focusing on is how many employees they are going to hire. Carriers cannot keep up this pace forever. Employees need a day off. Recently management stated that they will hire approximately 15 PTF's. I hate to burst the bubble but, just how many will stay in this environment? Will we even have any PTF's left by the time they hire the new ones? There is a real possibility that for the first time in my career, PTF's may turn regular when they make their ninety days. There just isn't enough employees to fill all the vacant routes. Currently we have 11 PTF employees left in the city. Even if the new PTF's were hired today it would probably take at least a month to complete all the necessary paperwork and training. The problem is, even with the casuals and PTF's management says they are going to hire, it won't really alleviate the problem of staffing in the city.

11315 Chandler Road

page 3

President's Article

(continued from page 2)

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney is spending too much money on politics and not enough on labor/people issues. It's a very touchy issue that has a lot of Branch members talking. Securing our jobs and the future of the NALC is on the line and needs our immediate attention. Just because the emphasis today is on getting E-Activists and COLCPE donations does not mean Washington has forgotten about OUR labor issues. We have plenty of pending arbitrations and we are very optimistic we will prevail. President Young has his hands full doing a balancing act between politics and taking care of labor disputes. Next month's National Convention should settle most of these issues once and for all.

I've been associated with Labor Organizations my entire life. Most of my relatives and a whole lot of my friends were either UAW or Teamsters. I've got plenty of interesting stories I've heard and experienced over the years but the one I live on a day-to-day basis is the main reason I stand by the NALC and will for the rest of my life. I have a very interesting father. He has been dealing with cancer, diabetes, and every kind of heart issue you can dream imaginable for well over 20 years. He has had multiple strokes, several heart attacks, heart catheterization, stints, balloons, and enough other procedures to insure his place in the Guinness Book of World Records. His diabetes eventually took both his legs and now he gets around with prosthetics. All compliments of a Health Insurance Policy fought for by a Labor Organization. He has merely paid the deductible on his policy and our family has never experienced any financial burdens. This personal experience has given me a lot of respect for the power of a labor organization. Rough times or smooth, support the leadership of the organization by being an activist and make the small sacrifices by giving to the Political Action Committee. It will always pay off in the end.




By Melvin R. Moore

Regular Monthly Meeting April 13, 2006

Meeting called to order at: 7:10 pm

Prayer: Curtis Walker

Salute to flag: Jeffery Rainey

Roll call of officers: David A. Gwin , Dave Teegarden, Melvin R. Moore, Linda Baker, Byron Townsend, Joe Hill, Dave Metcalf, Jeff Rainey, Jim Lonergan and Ed Lopez

Reading of minutes and communications: MSC to accept as read.

Executive Board Minutes: April 6, 2006

1. The Board discussed retaining Craig White, buyer's agent until December 2006. His current contract expires at the end of April. MSC to retain Mr. White's services.

2. The buyer's agent, Craig White, presented infor- mation he had collected concerning property around the Sport's Complex. Does Branch 30 want to build a new facility or renovate a preexist- ing building? The Board is planning to visit a building designed by Butler's Metal Buildings for ideas and suggestions from designers.

3. E-Activist numbers have improved. Stewards and officers are to be commended for their work.

4. Frank Ferro and friends are planning a cookout to raise money for COLCPE. All members are asked to support this event.

5. National President Bill Young continues to solicit support from all NALC members to donate $5.00 a pay period to COLCPE. "Gimme Five" is his campaign slogan.

6. President Gwin will be selling raffle tickets to support Secretary-Treasurer, Jane Broendal's re- election to office. One ticket is $5 or 6 for $20.

7. All Carriers in zone 641 are to contact their immediate supervisor or manager for unsched- uled absences.

8. Western Area Management representatives will be in our area until July 1, 2006. The Mid-America cluster is last in all production categories and the Western area reps. are here to help improve scores. Carriers are encouraged to continue to perform as professionals.

Don't Forget to

Visit Your Web Site:


page 4

Recording Secretary's Report

(continued from page 4)


• Steward's Training, Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 6:00 pm

• Volunteers are needed for the State Convention June 9-11, 2006. We need dealers for Casino Night; June 9, 2006 from 6-9 pm. Tickets to attend Casino Night are $15.00 each.

Tickets to attend the dinner and dance on Saturday, June 10, 2006 are $25.00 each. See Gordon Harris if you can volunteer or contact the office.

• Damar Printing will maintain Branch #30 website until June 2006. Any member wishing to maintain our website can submit a sealed bid to the Branch office by May 7, 2006. Winner of the bid will be announced at the May 8, 2006 meeting.

Deceased members: Steve Schaffer, William Pence, (father of Joe Pence)

New members: none

Bills: MSC to accept as written

Treasurer's Report: MSC to accept as written

Financial-Secretary Report: MSC to accept as written

Labor/Management meeting

1. No ERMS in zone 641, any discipline for calling ERMS will be rescinded.

2. The Area Manager ruled that Branch #30 second fulltime officer will not be forced to return to the station.

3. May 3, 2006 the Area Manager, Ormer Roger, will officially retire from the Postal Service.


1. Wal-Mart is attempting to enter the banking

business. Unions do not support their actions.

2. E-Activist is going well. Branch 30 members have increased by 20%.


Branch 30 to attend Royals game Sunday, June 11, 2006. MSC to approve

Guest Speaker(s)

Megan Peterson, Pro Vote, asked all Carriers to spread the news about increasing minimum wages in the State of Missouri. 77,000 signatures are required to have a successful campaign.

Unfinished Business: none

New Business: Sellie Truitt's proposed resolution and song for the National Convention. MSC to approve

Good of the Association

1. Food Drive T-shirts will be handled by each station.

2. Postal Reform is #1 issue concerning Letter Carriers. We must work diligently to get this Bill passed.

3. Shared Services will take affect in our area at the end of May 2006.

4. MSC to suspend standing rule 13 and give a gift of $250.00 to Teresa Clemmon, Raytown Station Carrier with sick child.

6. MSC to sponsor hole for Branch #30 MDA Golf Tournament.

Steward of the Month: Byron Townsend

Attendance Incentive Drawing (must be present to win): $200.00 Phil Hendrick

50/50 Drawing-COLCPE: Jeff Rainey

Adjourned: 8:25 pm



page 5


Week Three of the

Leadership Academy

Well the third week of the Leadership Academy is finally complete. In the third week of class we worked on many different training topics. During this week we covered why it is so important to stand together in determining what is best for everyone, not just the few. The importance of the NALC health insurance. We also discussed topics that covered legislation and why it is so important to get more involved in politics in our areas. I have received my diploma for graduating the class and am very proud for the future of Branch 30, and for those that get a chance after myself.

I have been informed that I will be spending four days down at the NBA's office. This will be a good opportunity to see how the union operates at a regional level. I am looking forward to this time and am hoping to learn a lot.

I would like to end this with a Thank You to those that have signed up for E-Activists. I would like to encourage all of you that have not signed up yet to reconsider why you have not. If you think that the union is benefitting by you doing this you are mistaken. This is an opportunity for you to have a hands on with the most important things going on in our union. This system was set up for everyone! I hope that if you have any questions you will contact the hall or your steward for help signing up. I can also be reached if needed. Don't ever stop being a part of the future of this union.

Frank Ferro

James Crews


On March 21 the Joint Labor Management Safety Committee held their quarterly meeting. Issues discussed were housekeeping and storage at Hickman Mills, use of cell phones and the long hours Carriers are working.

Dennis Snow visited Hickman Mills on March 20 to look at issues brought up by safety captain Chris Cole. Housekeeping was a major concern. Management is to bring in a storage shed and move some boxes of records out of the office.

Cell phones are to be used only during authorized lunch and breaks. Do not use while vehicle is in motion. They are not to be carried on your person out of the vehicle while performing your duties. While in the office phones are to be put in your lockers.

Dave Gwin and I pointed out the long hours Carriers are working along with the lack of help going into prime vacation season. Of course this got nowhere. There is no hiring on the horizon. At some point these hours will catch up with Carriers trying to do our jobs safely.

Carriers do not get enough credit for our safety record. The last Viewpoint article I wrote was on the Repeater Program. Only one Carrier who has been in this program has had an accident after participating in the program. This covers 3 years. We have not had a rollaway accident this fiscal year. We have had 19 accidents this fiscal year. Good job for the miles we drive and the weather we drive in.

Till next time, be safe all the time.

Randy Williams

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page 9

National Business

Agent's Report

By Arthur W. Buck

The final 2006 Charles J. Coyle Scholarship winner was selected at the recently concluded Missouri State Convention in Kansas City. Congratulations to Melissa Morkus, daughter of Lucus Morkus of Grandview Branch 5267 for being

sional primary along with helping to ensure the victory of Chet Culver in the Democratic gubernatorial primary. Both of these candidates are strong supporters of working men and women and were supported by COLCPE funds.

It was a pleasure to have NALC Vice-President, Gary Mullins, back in Missouri as the featured guest at the Missouri Convention. As you may recall, we tapped Gary's computer expertise for this year's Rap Session, where information technology was the overriding theme. His power-point presentation this time, however, was entitled "Meeting the Challenge - NALC's Agenda for 2006", which provided an overview of the Union's goals for the remainder of this year. Delegates from Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa will remember that Secretary-Treasurer, Jane Broendel, and Director of City Delivery, Fred Rolando, made similar presentations at their state conventions, The outlined goals include: (1) Finishing the job on enacting meaningful Postal Reform legislation; (2) Protecting our health and pension benefits; (3) electing a worker-friendly Congress this November; and, perhaps most challenging of all, (4) Negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement with the USPS. As I am sure you are well aware, our current contract expires at midnight on November 20.

(continued on page 10)

chosen as this year's scholarship recipient from Missouri. She joins Leanne Wichman, daughter of Daniel Wichman of Council Bluffs, Iowa Branch 314; Elizabeth Eckhardt, daughter of Marlon Eckhardt from Hastings, Nebraska Branch 93, who will be attending the University of Nebraska-Kearney; and Kellie Palmer, the daughter of Timothy Palmer, a member of Wichita, Kansas Branch 201. Kellie will be attending Wichita State University.

Annually, the CJC Scholarship Fund presents four $1000 awards, one in each state we represent, to first year college or vocational school students who are sons or daughters of Region 5 NALC members. Congratulations to this year's winners as well as to all of those who submitted applications, and best wishes to each of them in their academic endeavors and beyond!

Prior to the Missouri Convention, Dan Pittman, Mike Weir and I met with the four NALC State Association Presidents in Region 5. That meeting was dedicated to discussing and assessing the progress of NALC's new "Field Plan for the Future", which is the blueprint for assisting all 50 state associations to become more active and effective in the legislative and political arenas. I am please to report that Presidents Sherwood Applegate (KS), Mike Birkett (IA), Lisa Elliott (MO) and Nicole Rhine (NE) have been working very hard and are very close to achieving the initial goals of the Field Plan. At this time, their efforts are primarily focused on the selection of Congressional District Liaisons (CDL's) and the expansion of NALC's political action fund - COLCPE. Achieving those goals is essential to protecting and preserving Letter Carriers' jobs and benefits.

As a side note, I want to congratulate Iowa Letter Carriers who did an outstanding job supporting Bruce Braley in his win in the District 1 Congress-


Advertising Rates:

Typed Name and Phone No. $10.00

Standard Business Card $15.00

1/4 Page Ad $35.00

1/2 Page Ad $70.00

Full Page Ad $100.00

Payment is due with ad by check or money order and made payable to NALC Branch #30. The Branch does not necessarily endorse any advertiser that places an ad in the Viewpoint.

page 10


Submitted by Randy Williams

For just a moment you are going to be put in the role of postal management. (I know, I know) Just treat this exercise like your DOIS numbers. I am going to give you some numbers and facts about a program. You decide if this program should be expanded.

Said program brings in over one million dollars a week on average nationwide in new revenue. $156,000,000 to date, with just a small amount of offices participating nationwide. Over 70,000 leads have been turned into sales reps. In the Mid America District one sales rep's entire job is to follow these leads. Sometimes the workload is large enough to need help from other sales reps. The union is 100% behind the program.

Now, your big chance to play manager, Should this program be expanded to continue bringing in millions a week to the Postal Service and insure job security? Trick question? The answer is no. Well, not at this time. Maybe later, We will see.

The program is Customer Connect. The answer I get about bringing in more stations in fiscal 2006? Let's's concentrate on the offices we have and tweak the program. Tweak? That's a character on South Park. You know the guy, his hair standing straight out, and stumbling through his speech. Maybe that was management's reaction when they found out the NALC was going to use these numbers when contract time came around. So let's slow down and tweak the program. Does it look like this needs tweaking? Is this growing revenue?

How many programs have we as Carriers been asked to participate in, only to see them vanish in a matter of months, never to be heard from again? This is one program that works. Does it matter who gets credit for it? My opinion is the Postal Service wants

to wait until contract negotiations are over with to expand this program at the cost of millions to our

bottom line. All the while the Postal Service cries poverty, especially during a contract year. Maybe they are not used to a successful program, or just do not want the added mail volume this program creates. After all, they might have to hire someone.

Companies that have to make a profit are always looking for ways to grow their business. The Postal Service freezes a program that brings in revenue at a time when UPS, DHL and FedEx have identical programs with their customers and are eating our lunch as the Postal Service helps block postal reform. Maybe Tweak left South Park for Washington and got one of those big moving allowances.

As the district coordinator for Customer Connect I have been proud to represent Letter Carriers on both sides of the state line in this program. I want to thank all Carriers who have turned in leads. We have done what we were asked to do and will continue to do so. All this during a time when our work environment is not good. As a district we are second in the country. Nationwide it takes 10 leads to make a sale. Mid America District takes 6 leads to make a sale. We have brought in $1,800,000. Almost 1,000 leads turned in and with only 39 offices in the program. We have one sale of over $500,000. Just doing our job.

We are the only union helping to bring in revenue to the Postal Service. MDA, Food Drive, Customer Connect. When asked, Carriers always come through. The NALC has kept our word to be committed to making this program work. It would be nice to see the Postal Service make that same commitment in the future.

page 11

National Business Agent's Report

(continued from the page 8)

In approximately one month from the time you read this article, the 65th NALC Biennial Convention will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. During the week of August 14-18, nearly 9000 NALC members from across the United States will assemble to debate the direction this great union will take in the coming months and years. Given the many challenging issues facing us from within and outside the Postal Service, shaping the policies and approach we will establish to address them is a daunting task indeed. Additionally, in accordance with our constitution, the National Convention is the supreme body "to which final appeal shall be made on all matters emanating from Members, Branches and State Associations." This fact often leads to some interesting and difficult issues for the delegates to consider.

Convention delegates will be asked to formulate resolutions to be "put on the table" at the upcoming negotiations for our next National Agreement. They will also be discussing proposed amendments to NALC's constitution. On top of that, there will be nominations for all ten resident National officers, three National trustees and fifteen National Business Agents, with elections to be held by mail ballot this Fall. Keeping in mind the four goals previously referenced in this article, it is clear that the delegates will have their hands full at what shapes up to be a very busy and extremely important National gathering. I have no doubt that, as always, your elected delegates will be equal to the task, and will represent all Letter Carriers with dedication, vision and commitment to the ideals of the NALC's heritage.


Paradise Missouri on Smithville Lake

will be the site of this years' NALC Branch #30 Picnic


10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


There are a lot of activities and fun!

Bar-b-que with Westport's "World Famous"

Freddie Rodriguez and friends

Karaoke with "Loma" is back by popular demand

after her 1998 appearance with us

There will be more kids activities and innovated ways to stay cool

and what promises to be a very good time

(Two picnics was disapproved at the last meeting. We hope everyone makes the trip

up north this year and next year's activity will be south of the river.)

page 12

Branch 30

Food Drive


page 13

The Community



Letter Carrier's


page 14






Office: 737-0880 Fax: 737-3443

Cell: 816-838-4784








Give us the opportunity to earn your business by showing you the numbers that could put a savings back to you. Don't you deserve to know?

page 15

page 16

Branch 30 Proudly Hosts

NALC State Convention

page 17

Thanks to all the golfers who participated in the

Golf Tournament on May 7th at Shamrock Hills.

Over $1,300.00 was raised for MDA.

Special Thanks to the following sponsors:

Dr. Jerry Ogilvie

Indulgence Spa and Salon

The Brooksider

Frankies Ice Cream and Deli

Econo Lodge Blue Springs

B Carpenter and Sons

Art Buck - Region 5

NALC Branch 30

Thanks to the following volunteers;

Frank Ferro

Veronica Patrick

Becky Henderson

Rick Rawlings

Hope to see you next year for a bigger and better tournament.


Jeff Rainey

Troy Smith

Randy Williams

page 18

Letter Carriers

"Strike the Ball"

for MDA

page 19

page 20

page 21




Rockwood Golf Course

2400 S. Maywood • Independence, MO

Register by 12:45 - Shotgun start at 1:00 pm

Four Man Scramble

PRIZES: 1st Place A & B Flight

Closest to the Pin (2)

Longest Drive (2)

Open to ALL Postal Employees, Family & Friends

Green Fees & Card $55.00 Per Player

Questions Call David "Moose" Metcalf at 816-529-9057

Proceeds Go Toward



In Memory of Bob Shaw, Former Letter Carrier and President of Branch #30

Application & Fee of $55.00 Per Player must be received by September 16th, 2006.

Make Checks Payable to: COLCPE

Send to:

NALC Branch 30

6320 Manchester Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64133

Phone No. 816-358-3100


1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

page 22

HBR/DRM Director

By Joe Hill

page 23


is up and running. If you had it bookmarked, it may not load properly. You just need to type in the address in the address bar and then bookmark it. There are many new features and lots of pictures from the state convention.

Your VIEWPOINT will be commemorating it's 60th Anniversary

in June, 2007. Gather up any articles or memorabilia that we can

include in a Special Edition next June, and send it to

Sellie Truitt c/o the Union Hall.

Don't delay, be part of this special occasion!

page 24





page 25


Barry Woods

Stu-Chris Nerich

Alt-Randy Stayer

Executive Park

Stu-Roger Smith

Alt-Jim Edwards


Stu-Herb Harvey

Alt-Roger Ramsey

GPO Station

Stu-Frank Mitchell

Alt-Phil Vaughn

Hickman Mills

Stu-Joe Pence

Alt-Dean Hall

Blue Springs

Stu-Jeff Rainey

Alt-Randy Williams


Stu-Curry Massey


Stu-Mike Larkey

Alt-Tom Didier


Stu-Phill Henderson

Hodge Park

Stu-Mike Neverve

Alt-Drew Kingery

James Crews

Stu-Dave Teegarden

Stu-Terry Myers

Alt-Curtis Walker

Alt-Frank Ferro


Stu-Chuck Athey

Alt-Mike Hartley

Martin City

Stu-Chuck Hardway

Alt-Harry Hinckle


Stu-Larry Adkins

Green Summit Annex

Stu-Jimmy Williams

Lee's Summit

Stu-Bruce Beltcher

Alt-Steve Wilson



North Kansas City

Stu-Jack Foster

Alt-Mary Ewing


Stu-Ed Gibson


Stu-Don Turner

Alt-Reggie Collins


Stu-Kenny Best

Alt-Jim Vermillion


Stu-Rick Rawlings

Alt-Troy Smith


Stu-Mike Batcher


Stu-Iris Schwartze

Pleasant Hill



Stu-Mike Farnan

Sunny Slope

Stu-Jeff Hoiden

Alt-Jennifer Keaton

South Troost

Stu-Joie Bostic

Alt-Byron Townsend


Stu-Donnie Crisswell

Alt-Kenny Mercer


Stu-Norm Long



Stu-Bill Young

Alt-Matt Thomas




Stu-Jeff Avey

Blue Springs Annex

Stu-Allen Sharp


Stu-Richard Bechtel

(Associate Offices)



Formal A's

Total Filed 136

Resolve 98

Working 39

Pending 22

Arbitration 8


Steward of the Month







Jan-Roger Ramsey-Barry Woods

Feb-Joe Pence-Hickman Mills

Mar-Rick Rawlings-Raytown

Apr-Byron Townsend-South Troost

May-Donnie Crisswell-Southeast

June-Bill Young-Westport

page 27


PRESIDENT...............................................DAVE GWIN

VICE PRESIDENT............................DAVE TEEGARDEN



TREASURER............................................LINDA BAKER

SERGEANT-AT-ARMS.........................DAVE METCALF

HEALTH & RETIREE REP..(816) 942-6595..JOE D. HILL

TRUSTEE (Chairman)..............................JEFF RAINEY

TRUSTEE .............................................JIM LONERGAN

TRUSTEE......................................................ED LOPEZ


CURTIS WALKER.........................................CHAPLAIN

Heart of America


6320 Manchester, Suite 41A

Kansas City, MO 64133

Branch Office Phones








Dave Teegarden-Editor • Sellie Truitt-Associate Editor • Dave Gwin-Advisor

Chris Cole • Mike Neverve • Frank Ferro • Troy Smith • Jeff Rainey • Kenny Best • Randy Williams

NOTE: The VIEWPOINT is published bi-monthly for Branch 30 members and friends. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily shared by the Editors, Members, or Staff. The Editor, at his/her discretion, may delete or change any article deemed, unnecessary, improper or unfit. The last day to receive articles is: 15th day of the following (Even) months; FEBRUARY, APRIL, JUNE, AUGUST, OCTOBER and DECEMBER.


6320 Manchester, Suite 41A

Kansas City, MO 64133

Change Service Requested

Non Profit

U.S. Postage


Kansas City, MO

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